Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

9 responses to “Verizon Rolling Out BlackBerry Storm Update Tomorrow Night (Updated)”

  1. FRED

    How will i be able to get this update?? OTA or will it be avaliable on Desktop Manager??

  2. josh mayz

    why do all of these sites say 5.0.0 Release 508(OS / Applications…that seems like a downgrade from my OS to, whats going on with that?

  3. eSr

    I wonder if anyone knows if this OS upgrade or the final Storm 2 will allow to download or install applications to the SD card, like Palm Tree does?
    With so many Apps becoming available, it would just make sense.
    My 1G on board is just not enough and with the known Memory leak problem it has become a big concern and a constant bad feeling.

  4. Christopher Price

    Josh, it appears to be a typo in Verizon’s TSB. It isn’t really material to the content of the upgrade, so we didn’t take the time to note that.

  5. Jesse James

    I am definately looking forward to the update. The videos that I have seen on YouTube show some cool features.

  6. david dix

    just updated… best smoothest fastest update… some small bugs but over all much better than previous firmware… very happy….

  7. Will your device get an upgrade to OS 5.0? | BB Geeks

    […] news: the Verizon Storm 9530 update will go live tonight. So does this mean that other OS 5.0 releases will be coming shortly? We’ll keep this […]

  8. c

    How lame to wait a whole year to be able to update a software lame lame lame!