Not long after its official debut, Verizon has opened a pre-order page for the forthcoming Moto X Android smartphone. The phone will be identical to all other versions of the X flagship when it releases in the next 2 months, right down to the support for Moto Maker which will debut for Verizon Wireless Moto X customers later this year after AT&T’s exclusivity period expires. The phone will be sold for $199.99 on a 2 year agreement.
The Moto X features the following specifications:
- Android 4.2
- 4.7-inch 720p display at 316ppi
- 16/32GB internal memory without microSD expansion
- Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro at 1.7GHz with additional Motorola X8 co-processors for voice control/sensor control and 2GB RAM
- 10.2 megapixel main camera with flash/2.0 megapixel front facing camera
- Multi-band LTE with HSPA/EVDO Rev A support for each respective carrier
- NFC and wireless charging support
- 50GB of included Google Drive space when purchased for 2 years on top of standard 15GB access