Verizon Wireless today launched the industry’s first pay-as-you-go EV-DO data access plan. BroadbandAccess can now be purchased for EV-DO data cards at a per-day rate of $15. This allows for users who are rarely away from broadband internet to not have to pay the typical $60 to $80 per month for such services.
The Verizon Wireless Connection Manager will transact the per-day rates, as well as provide users with an option to upgrade to a traditional unlimited data access plan.
it really exists… I finally got it set up today with a EVDO Verizon Laptop card…. July 2008…unfortunately NO ONE… at the 800 #s jnow anything about this… it took hours to find the ‘guy’
Out of courtesy I can’t give his number out… but there IS a day-rate @ 15.00 is you can persevere!
And oh… b.t.w it is Very useful. Everyone who thinks $15/day is expensive does not know what it’s like to need it 4 days a year for an emergency