Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

One response to “Verizon Defends Throttling Plans In Letter To FCC, Cites Similar Behavior From Carriers As Justification”

  1. Todd Mitchell

    As a rural dwelling Verizon Wireless customer, I am using an unlimited data plan for my home internet. I also have Verizon as my home wired telephone service. They offer a very slow aDSL service that I dropped when I switched to using 4G LTE at home.

    I am also very troubled by these reports of impending data throttling. This is the very thing Verizon promised NOT to do to its small universe of unlimited data plan 4G LTE customers when they persuaded the FDA to allow them to take over the 700 Mhz bandwidth spectrum in the first place. There are really not very many of us around and I doubt very seriously that the few of us are really impacting their bandwidth in any meaningful way. Their goal is rather, to force us into switching to the limited and lucrative data plans that they favor.