SPI Labs: PPC-6600 & Tiger
As you probably know, we were the first site to create a process to allow the PPC-6600 to tether over Bluetooth with a Mac. And now, we’re the first site to figure out how to get it to work with Mac OS 10.4 (Tiger). When we were testing Tiger, Apple had offered two ways to […]
SPI Labs: More Progress on PPC-6600 & EV-DO
A brief follow-up to the recent coverage of the PPC-6600 and its potential support for EV-DO. We have been able to determine that the main reason that our original update did not work was Sprint’s EV-DO PRL. It appears that the 20007 PRL is very targeted for data card devices. Modified versions of the 20007 […]
SPI Labs: PPC-6600 Unofficial EV-DO Update *Updated Again*
Update 2: Well folks, while the update appears to be successful, it doesn’t work. We couldn’t tell when we made the update, because we simply didn’t know where EV-DO was available to test the update. Meaning, that while the update does work, and shows the PPC-6600 supports EV-DO (by accepting an EV-DO PRL properly), it […]
More SPI Supporter Options
In an effort to make it more accessible to become a SPI Supporter for free, Free Gaming Systems has been added to the SPI Supporter System.
Site Upgrade
SPI has been updated to version 7.6 of the PHP-Nuke Content Management System. This update adds support for RSS/XML newsfeeds in both Mozilla Firefox and Safari Tiger.
More SPI Supporter Options
By popular request, we have integrated Free PSPs into the SPI Supporter system.
Google X
We aren’t taking sides in the “Apple killed Google X” or “Google killed Google X in fear of Apple” debate. Regardless, thanks to Google technology, we have restored Google X, and you can access it at the link below. Google X @ SPI
SPI Supporter Giveaway Two: Sony Ericsson T237
We’re giving away a Sony Ericsson T237 prepaid kit from Cingular. Now, as usual all you have to do is be a SPI Supporter to be entered. Contest ends at 11:59:59 PM Thursday, March 10th.
SPI Supporter Giveaway One Results
We’re ready to announce the winner of our first SPI Supporter giveaway. Kinyip has won the LG 1200. More giveaways to follow, after all, part of being the most connected name in Sprint news is in giving back to the people that support this site.