Sprint: PRL 10030 Released
Sprint has released PRL 10030 for non-EV-DO phones. It is not known what this PRL update changes, but does follow the release of PRL 20217 for EV-DO devices. Call data support to request the update.
Sprint PRL 20217 Released
Sprint has issued PRL 20217 for EV-DO devices, and is now available for over-the-air updating. Call data support in order to be flagged for the update. It is not known what has been changed at this time.
The Top 10 Things Sprint Could Do In A Business Day…
Here is is, the top ten things Sprint could do to make their company better in a single business day. Near-zero effort, endless benefit. 1) A PRL Update form online… Put one customer service rep on the receiving end, and have him or her manually flag each line requested! Hey, now you’re out of excuses […]
Sprint PRL 20216 Released
Sprint has issued PRL 20216 for EV-DO enabled devices. Call *2 to have your line flagged for update if you have an EV-DO device. Unlike PRLs in older devices, EV-DO PRL files may make modifications to the available HDR channels, improving EV-DO signal acqusition. The PPC-6700 currently has an issue that may require you to […]
Sprint: PRL 10029 Released
Sprint has issued PRL 10029 for over-the-air updating. It is not known at this time what the update changes. To update your phone, call *2 and ask to be flagged for update.
Verizon: New EV-DO PRL
Late this week Verizon issued a new PRL for their EV-DO enabled phones. PRL 50363 adds support for planned future network deployments (though many markets are still at the older 50316). If you have a VCast phone, dial *22899 to get updated.
Sprint: PRL 10028 Released
Sprint has issued PRL 10028 for all non-EV devices (again, only the AirCard 580 is considered an EV device at this time). Call *2 to be asked to have your account flagged for update.
SPI Labs: More Progress on PPC-6600 & EV-DO
A brief follow-up to the recent coverage of the PPC-6600 and its potential support for EV-DO. We have been able to determine that the main reason that our original update did not work was Sprint’s EV-DO PRL. It appears that the 20007 PRL is very targeted for data card devices. Modified versions of the 20007 […]
Sprint: PRL 10027 Released
Sprint has issued PRL 10027 for over-the-air updating. Call *2 and ask to be flagged for the update. This is not to be confused with the 20007 PRL for EV-DO data devices. Sprint initially (and incorrectly) referred to the 20007 PRL as version 10027. PRL 10027 is for non-EV devices (in other words, all devices […]
SPI Labs: PPC-6600 Unofficial EV-DO Update *Updated Again*
Update 2: Well folks, while the update appears to be successful, it doesn’t work. We couldn’t tell when we made the update, because we simply didn’t know where EV-DO was available to test the update. Meaning, that while the update does work, and shows the PPC-6600 supports EV-DO (by accepting an EV-DO PRL properly), it […]