MWC: Fon Demonstrates SIMPL Router
Fon, the architects of the FON community based Wi-Fi hotspot service have revealed another piece of hardware at Mobile World Congress, this one targeted to carriers wishing to ease the strain of bandwidth heavy activity on 3G networks such as video streaming. The Fonera SIMPL router features two Ethernet ports and 802.11n support for high-speed […]

MWC: SKTelecom Android SIM Prototype Detailed
Korean wireless carrier SKTelecom is demonstrating a rather novel concept for easing the typical tedium associated with swapping out phones and having to reapply customizations as well as the exchange of contact information from one device to another using Android. The Android SIM concept as explained in the companion video allows for a user to […]

MWC: RIM Demos New Embedded WebKit Browser for BlackBerry
RIM surprised attendees of its MWC press conference by unveiling and demonstrating its new WebKit based browser with new features. The browser features full support for HTML5, pan+zoom and full BlackBerry widget support with no word on availability at this time.

Qualcomm Announces FLO-EV and Smartbook Demo, Audiovox Announces In-Car System
Qualcomm has announced an update to its FLO broadcast platform during MWC today and a smartbook demo application with partner Audiovox plugging its currently available in-car system powered by FLO TV. First up is the announcement that Qualcomm has expanded its FLO broadcast platform with the forthcoming launch of FLO-EV, which it has described as […]
MWC: Nokia and Intel Merge Maemo, Moblin to form MeeGo
Nokia and Intel have jointly announced that both companies will be partnering together to merge the respective Moblin and Maemo Linux distributions to create MeeGo. While Nokia has seen some limited success with Maemo on its lineup of Internet Tablets in the N800 and the N810 along with the popular N900, Intel had yet to […]

MWC: Samsung Announces Wave with Bada OS
Samsung has officially unveiled its first phone with the manufacturer’s new internally developed Bada OS in the Wave during Mobile World Congress. The Wave (also known as the Wave S8500) will be one of the first handsets shipped with Bluetooth 3.0. It should be noted that Bada is not a smartphone operating system according to […]