Verizon to Halt Kin Sales In-Store Today (Updated)
Following Microsoft’s decision to kill the Kin platform earlier this month and a massive fire sale after low sales (rumored to be between 500-8000 devices total depending on who’s counting) two months after launch, Verizon employees have confirmed that sales of the Kin One and Kin Two devices will be halted today in stores. The […]

Amazon.com Selling KIN One and KIN Two Off in Fire Sale
You have to give Microsoft’s consumer devices and entertainment divisions credit; they at least know how to throw a good fire sale. The last couple of fire sales from the company included $49 HD DVD players, as well as permitting retailers to sell older Xbox 360 for as low as $99 after taking into account […]
Verizon Kin One and Kin Two Pre-Orders on May 6th, Launching May 13th
Internal Verizon documentation has confirmed the forthcoming launch of the Microsoft Kin One and Kin Two social networking devices soon after their official unveling last month. The devices will launch with a pre-order campaign on May 6th, culminating with a launch across all sales channels on May 13th. Pricing is yet to be determined, but […]