Sprint Launches New, Simply Everything Plan with Voice and Data
In a news release published today, Sprint announced that it will launch a domestic unlimited pricing plan that gives customers unlimited voice, data, text, e-mail, Web-surfing, Sprint TV(SM), Sprint Music, GPS Navigation, Direct Connect(R) and Group Connect(R) for $99.99 a month. This plan will be available to new and existing customers beginning on February 29th […]
The Return of Forums
We’re very happy to announce the return of our forums. No new registration required, just log in with your current username and password. The forums will be in a very active state of development over the next couple of weeks while we integrate them into our site, hence the beta status. PCS Intel Forums
PCS Intel Pro
Today, we’re launching PCS Intel Pro. This will be a new way to continue delivering everything you’re getting right now, but also give people who want more the attention they deserve. We’ve already launched the Open Forum (read-only for non-Pro members), and shortly Pro members will be able to wirelessly post in the forums (non-Pro […]
Sprint Joins WiMax Forum
Sprint has joined the WiMax forum as a “Principle Member”. Sprint cites their development and participation in the IEEE 802.16 standard, of which Mobile WiMax is a part of (802.16e). Sprint states that this is a move in support of the “infastructure goals” of the WiMax forum. Does this mean Sprint will deploy WiMax? Not […]
New Forum
Reflecting the new merger of Sprint and Nextel, a new forum has been added for Nextel discussion.
Store Reviews Forum
A new forum, joy. Sound off about the good, and bad places that sell (and service) Sprint.
Site Maintence
SPI has been updated to version 7.1 of the php-Nuke Content Management System. Also, forums have been updated and security patches applied.