White House Petition to Make Phone Unlocking Legal Falling Short, Under 72 Hours Remaining (Updated)
A petition on the White House’s “We The People” petition site is falling slightly short of its goal.

Third-Party Phone Unlocking Illegal In The US As Of January 26th
Third-party phone unlocking becomes illegal in the US starting on Saturday, here’s what you need to know.
DMCA Used to Convict Terror Suspect
The first case of someone being convicted under the DMCA for bypassing a phone unlock has been recently closed, with the government winning its case against one Mohamed Majed for mass unlocking handsets and reselling them. After it was discovered that he was unlocking stolen handsets on a mass scale, up to several thousand phones […]
Library of Congress Adds Jailbreaking/Rooting Exception to DMCA, Clarifies Unlocking Exception
The Library of Congress has codified a long-awaited exception to the DMCA that allows consumers to jailbreak/root devices in order to obtain and execute software by legal means that would not otherwise be allowed to run in the unmodified state of the handset. This makes the act of jailbreaking/rooting iPhone and Android devices legal, in […]
HTC Now Demanding Takedown of Unmodified ROM Archives
HTC has sent the site shipped-roms.com a cease and desist letter, demanding that they remove all HTC firmwares for phones. The site claims to have the largest collection of HTC ROMs available for download. The archival of ROM versions is important for two reasons. One, companies often do not offer firmware updates for older or […]
Sprint Resolves DMCA Complaint Against PCS Intel
We are happy to report that we have resolved the issue with Sprint and PCS Intel. Sprint has withdrawn their DMCA notice filed against us today. Their complaint stemmed from information posted about Family Locator. We have modified our article to make it clear that Family Locator has not launched.