Following up on the launch of the G1 online and the early shipping of pre-ordered devices, T-Mobile has confirmed that it will roll out the first OTA update for the G1 beginning tomorrow into the end of the month in a similar pattern to SideKick updates.
This update will include enhancements and a bug fix that makes all songs from Amazon available while also fixing a corrupt file bug found when downloading songs over the air for preview.
The software version number can be found by hitting Menu > Settings > About phone > Build number. The initial release version is RC19 with the updated software version being deployed as RC28 with all settings and apps being preserved after the update.
MAnN I loVE ThA G1, NeVer Had ThA SiidEKiiCk lX So I WoULDnt WaT 2 CoMmENt Bout, But AiM On DiS fOnE sUCcz ReAlLY BaD!!!!! LoL I HaVe A choIcE tO ChAnGe mAh FonE 2 aH Lx….. I tHiinK I’m dO iT!!!! PlEaZe GiVe mE Ur oPiNioN!!!!!
I’m sick nd tir3d of aim on diss G1 it is really getting on my nerve so badly.I tryed nd tryed nd didn’t succeed but 1 of these days imma get it then sell it lolsz or lmafo0
Can u please tell me how I can down load aim on my g1