Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

3 responses to “StraightTalk Sets The Record Straight on 1.5GB Data Cap (Updated)”

  1. Straight Talk Promises Unlimited Service Really Is Unlimited - After Users Revolt Over 1.5 GB Invisible Ceiling »

    […] users at around 1.5 GB of usage. One of the company’s reps didn’t help its case by confirming that usage was capped at 1.5 GB. Taking to the company blog, Straight Talk promises that aside from throttling their unlimited […]

  2. Archie bottoms

    Why do they claim to have unlimited data. When that’s not true. I’m very dissatisfied with the way they just stop your data. But they say unlimited.NOT TRUE!

  3. Straight Talk: An understanding of the cost of customer dissatisfaction. | Casey BenefieldCasey Benefield

    […] there IS now, a class action suit for this issue and THIS blog post from Straight Talk themselves, which is coming into play. I suggest all Straight […]