One of the big problems with Windows 10 is that the entire installation, up to 2.9GB, has to be downloaded per machine.
Except in corporate environments, Microsoft has said there won’t be an official offline upgrade installer for Windows 10. Machines must each download individually. If you have five or six PCs, that could mean upwards of 20GB worth of bandwidth. For most, that isn’t a big deal – but for those stuck on dial-up, satellite or 3G/4G fixed wireless for Internet, it’s a big problem.
Thankfully Staples is coming to the rescue. For a limited time, they will offer in-house Windows 10 upgrades for free – to anyone. One simply has to bring in a valid, licensed PC with Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 installed. There is no official limit to how many upgrades per customer.
Staples is taking advantage of the unofficial offline upgrade process, which is possible, but not officially supported by Microsoft. Using a few different tools, one can convert the Windows 10 Electronic Software Delivery (ESD) into an ISO image which can then boot a PC and upgrade Windows as usual.
For some geeks, this presents an interesting situation – unless willing to go hardcore and create your own custom Windows 10 install media… your only option on launch day to upgrade to Windows 10, may be to have a Staples EasyTech employee install it for you.
Windows 10 will launch July 29, but many PCs will not receive it for weeks to come. Because of the significant bandwidth amount, Windows Update is “reserving” places in line, and Microsoft will offer the free upgrade on a first come, first served basis. Microsoft has also noted that Windows 10 will switch to a rolling-release cycle, and is the last major version of Windows.
In addition to good things like restoring app sideloading, something has campaigned for years to inform consumers about, the platform will finally unite mobile and desktop experiences with so-called Universal Windows Platform apps.
Only Microsoft would concoct a program wherein the only guaranteed way to receive Windows 10 as a free upgrade, would be to hand my machine to an acne-covered teenager at the Staples EasyTech desk to do it.
Worst, upgrade, ever!
Only guaranteed way?
Or you could just wait and get it via Windows Update. Or you could create the install media via easily available files. Or you could have joined the Insider program… all guaranteed ways to get it free.
Obviously I meant on launch day. Waiting with Windows Update just angers customers needlessly. I shouldn’t have to use 60GB of bandwidth when I could just pull down a .iso file from Microsoft’s servers. In no way would that help piracy and it would only reduce bandwidth on Microsoft’s end.
As to making my own ISO, I’ve looked at those tools, and don’t trust them. For one, there is no open source build that decrypts the ESD. So I have to trust some tool on a shady file sharing site. What if thousands trust that tool, and it’s later revealed to be compromised?
Insider program doesn’t net me an ISO – so no, that helps nothing.
Microsoft should pull its head out of you know where and just post bloody ISO’s for Win 10 and Win 10 Pro. There’s still time for them to apply pressure where needed to remove its head from said location.
Outside of say about 1% of the people, no one really cares about the upgrade enough to go to a Staples. AND, since it’s free I highly doubt that you’ll have people MAD about it. The large majority will just wait until it’s available as a download.
I think it’s a great service that Staples is supplying. I believe it will have a positive impact on the sales of existing computers.
I just hope they realize that you need to run upgrade adviser first. If not they may have a number of ticked off people who find out they lost some programs they had before like Media Center in Win 7.