Several sites are reporting that June 15th is the new date set for consumer launch of Sprint DirectConnect services utilizing the QChat platform.
As we reported previously, Sprint employees had been informed that the consumer launch of QChat devices had been pushed back to June 1st, causing much confusion for customers who had been eagerly awaiting the launch of the devices.
Now comes another report stating that the carrier has pushed the release further back due to wanting a more complete lineup of handsets than just the PRO Series, wanting to also launch the Samsung Z400 and the LG LX400 in order to have a more complete lineup at launch.
We will continue to follow this story as it develops.
They should go on and put DC on the ipho… er I mean Instinct and make it a super launch
I special ordered some of the sanyo qchat phone into my store and got them activated… took forever on care to get the new special codes but we got it!
Qchat is taking forever… honestly.
smartphones need it. I hope it will be as fast as direct connect thought