Mobile GMaps is a program that has taken advantage of Java’s built-in standards to provide GPS integration with Google Maps service. The program is different from Google’s Maps for Mobile, in that it was written by a third-party, includes standard GPS support, and pulls map data from Google’s servers.

The advantage here is clear: Users can take advantage of the gpsOne service built into virtually every Sprint phone, as well as benefit from the features of Google Maps.
But, recently, Sprint decided to attempt to obfuscate the free GPS services that Java provides. Sprint has threatened the creator of Mobile GMaps with legal action… unless Mobile GMaps makes it difficult to provide Sprint users with GPS services.
However, this is clearly SLAPP-based tactics from the nation’s third largest wireless provider. Users simply need to enter IP Address into the PDE server area of any gpsOne-enabled Java application, Mobile GMaps simply typed this code in automatically for users on Sprint to use. In fact, once the author is forced (legally or not) to remove this, users can simply re-add it to the program to restore functionality.
We have yet to see any legal basis from Sprint for making Mobile GMaps remove this simple IP address from their application. Since the application is using open standards, that would work on any Java & gpsOne-enabled carrier (Sprint, Bell Mobility, etc), the remainder of the software is undisputedly legal.