Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

10 responses to “Sprint Rolling Out Palm Pre 1.3.5 Update (Updated)”

  1. Daz

    You claimed the the update has “begun rolling out” but as of yet there have been no reports of the update being released. This has happen before with sprint in terms of them releasing their changlog and not releasing the update, especially if you look at the release notes for the pixi which claims 1.3.2 will be released today which happens to have been released on 12/2/09, but to willingly claim that the update has been released with no reports of it is just plain lies. i am very disappointed in this time

  2. brenton
  3. daz

    that’s a nice link in all but even palm themselves ( you know the maker of the phone) still hasn’t even acknoledge that the updat has been released. All I’m saying is they claime that the update was released with no update being released

  4. BJ

    1.3.5 now

  5. devol

    takes about 20 min., but 1.3.5. Is worth it!

  6. topdownat4

    After the 1.3.5 update, I noticed the “Beta” banner is gone from the App Catalog. Finally out of “Beta”?

  7. eric

    ugh I thought this update was gunna have flash…I want flash 🙁

  8. Christopher Price

    Yes, the App Catalog is now formally out of beta.

  9. Duker

    my update came up on my screen today for the update! nice feature that you are notified!