Sprint has responded to PhoneNews.com’s coverage of the SERO plan issues, both regarding the new Samsung Instinct, as well as today’s reports of SERO blocking PDA and Smartphone devices.
As to the PDA/Smartphone debacle, Sprint says that communications and web sites that indicated PDAs would be banned from the plans were in error. Sprint has no plans at the time to block PDAs or Smartphones, and has corrected any internal communications which indicated such.
More importantly, Sprint also clarified that they will not implement such a change in the future. Per Sprint media relations: “SERO customers continue to be able to purchase PDAs and Smart Phones and a variety of SERO rate plans continue to be compatible with these devices.”
As to the Samsung Instinct, Sprint did not address the matter of customers being kicked off of Instinct, however they have made some improvements. SERO customers can now switch to a Simply Everything (or Sprint Everything) plan, and then switch back to a SERO plan should they chose to return the device. Previously some customers were being informed that they could not switch back to their SERO plan if they were not happy with the Instinct.
We want to thank our readers for tuning in while we updated you continuously on these developments, as the events changed.
[…] You can read the official response to SERO events of the week, here. […]
Thanks for this update. I thought the last reporting was both alarmist and had anti-Sprint bias. Phone News is a great source of information when it reports facts and does not try to put a spin on things, one way or another.
Thanks for posting this update
Sprint’s response doesn’t seem to rule out a change in SERO plan cost which is being discussed (and has been for some time) in the SU forum by the same folks who were accurate in predicting the last round of Sprint plan changes.
Also I am guessing that maybe what happened is Sprint internally was changing the SERO site to block anyone from buying the Instinct on a plan other than the SERO unlimited and maybe inadvertantly locked out all PDA’s from being purchased on a plan other than the unlimited?
The last comment was deleted due to hate speech.
Like Wayne above, this whole thing about blocking PDAs on SERO was prob nothing more than a programming tempest in a teapot. What I want to know is, come July 13, (when the more expensive ‘Everything Plus’ plans kick in), does this mark the end of getting a smartphone signed up on the $30 plan? The other key question is if Sprint will force anyone onto the newer plans if they try to swap out devices during the 30-day trial — i.e., if I get a Centro before the 13th, can I exchange it for the 800w and stay on the $30 plan? From what I’m reading elsewhere, it sounds like Sprint will only activate the 800w on a higher rate plan.
I agree with Wayne,
Everyone’s issue is the Increased SERO prices. This is sprints downfall. They don’t have the best phones so do they not realize people go with them BECAUSE of SERO?
Get a clue Sprint!
I don’t see them forcing a change for upgrading to anything but an Instinct. You SERO holders need to stop crying though because you won’t find a better deal anywhere even if the new plans are forced at upgrade. The new and old SERO/SE Plus will still be cheaper than current and competitor plans, there will be no sympathy or empathy from me
Your right Don, there are no other planaz anywhere as cheap as the sero plan. Thzt is tbe only thing keeping me with Sprint. So if they raise the price or change the terms drastically then bye bye sprint. So stop with your “crying and no sympathy comment. Sprint is luvky not to lose antmore customers. You sound like an ignorant sprint employee.
Don Louie
FYI the new changes effective July 10 will not be a better deal, the SERO program will offer the same prices available at any store so once again Sprint is screwing both their employees (through referrals) and customers that would normally not go to Sprint except for the deep discount they can get through SERO. Oh and employees only get 2 referrals per year, was once unlimited and most recently restricted to 10 per year.
stop complaining i really doubt they are gonna force you off your old plan since those are the terms you agreed to… sprint has the best htc contract the only sanyo and you might say samsung is better than vzw and at&t its at least equal.. moto is equal so the only two companies is lg and nokia thats not tha best but its far from bad… and with q chat taken off.. wimax around the corner and nokia seems more into that than evdo… sprint can make a big change
I’m a Sprint sub, not an employee, and most of the SERO subs are crying if not whining about a price increase. From what I’ve read they will add nav to it and increase the price to $60 for the 500 minute plan and the 1250 plan to $80 which is still cheaper than all others. If these changes make you want to leave, go ahead but I can guarantee you the grass will be considerably less green anywhere else
I can’t believe so many people are complaining about SERO prices. Maybe they should switch to Boost Unlimited :).
I will say though, good luck on switching BACK to SERO if you switched off of it. As an existing sub I had 0 chance on switching to SERO, even when I ordered new phones off of the SERO web site! Sprint caught it, moved the phones to our old account, and switched them to non-SERO plans w/o even letting me know! Multiple emails and calls to care, retentions, and executive escalations did nothing, and I’m a ‘Premier’ customer!
I agree wih Wayne Schulz…The response only says that there will still be Sero plans that will work with PDA/Smartphones…As of right now they also say that the Instinct will work Sero. But only the $99 Sero plan which includes everything..just like the Simply Everything Plan. On the SU forum there are pretty valid talks about price hikes. I do believe the sero plan that was $30 a month will be bumped up to $59.99. Hopefully we that already have contracts will not have to upgrade our plan if we for example want the new treo 800w….come on sprint….youve already lost enough customers
oh and you can currently still sign up for the sero contract and any of the pda’s excluding the instinct
Ervin, Sprint does not say that Instinct will work with SERO.
There was an error that allowed Instinct to be purchased on SERO, but Sprint is now consistent in saying that you can only use Instinct on SERO with the $99 SERO Unlimited plan.
would employee discount still be available if I was to switch to a sero account if not no big deal.
Employee discounts are not permitted on SERO plans.
Some of you keep saying that there is almost no chance that sprint will let you switch to sero if you dont have it. I must be really lucky then. I switched my wifes phone plan off of a family share plan on to a sero plan without anyone asking me anything. and just yesterday I switched my other 2 family share plans to sero, one of them being a blackberry. They didn’t ask me one question. They just switched it no questions asked. At this point sprint needs to accept any plans to avoid any more bleeding from the mass of customers canceling.
Jaz: And how do you go about doing it? Although with my 12% corp discount, there probably isn’t a need, but it’s nice to know…
Customer service is not supposed to place anyone on a SERO plan that didn’t start their account with a SERO plan.
There are many things Sprint customer service representatives can do, but are prohibited from doing. People that have “switched” to SERO got lucky and reached a rep that didn’t know that they were violating Sprint protocol.
I didnt have to do anything special to get it. I just called and they switched me. It might be protocol to only take new customers for SERO but there are sprint employees who can override that and be smart and keep the customer happy like most other cell companies are doing.
thanks Chris now I’m tryin to figure out whether its worth me changin.. since I can’t get my discount with the simply everything plans.. 21% is a lot to give up. but sero maybe be worth before they change the prices of the plans
When the prices change it still will be a deal
I have been with sprint since around year 2000. I still have that account for which my father uses until the contract expires, which they offered to let me out of right now…….but he wants to hold onto it a bit longer.
I signed up for a sero plan via the website in november. At first there was some confusion and the credit department said I needed to add it to my existing account, but it would be a sero plan.
I have two different log in’s at sprint.com for each phone number, but one is sero and one is not.
if you want it, you can get it.
want the sero account??
what email did anyone use to sign up for sero….I need to know because I want to sign up before the deadline
The website you want to go to is http://www.sprint.com/sero and when it asks for the sprint employee email address, enter savings@sprintemi.com. I just got my new phone yesterday, however I am an existing sprint customer and because they would not let me switch my existing account over to the SERO plan, I now have 2 phones with 2 separate contracts. Maybe the next agent I speak to will let me switch my older plan over to SERO with no question….if not, I will be terminating the contract.
The savings@sprintemi.com email is no longer working on the Sero site… When you go to http://www.sprint.com/sero, it now asks for the employee email address PLUS the last 3 digits of employee ID… seems like their trying to keep people away from this plan unless they are really referred by an employee.
Oh, I just noticed it’s no longer called Sero… It’s now called the Everything Plus Referral Program. Nice…
the Sero plan is no more! Read email:
Dear XXX,
Thank you for writing back to us.
Yes, the SERO (Sprint Exclusive Referral Offer) plan will be expired on
July 12, 2008. The details of the new plan are as follows:
The charge of the plan is $49.99 and it includes:
– Domestic Unlimited Messaging (Text, Picture, Video, and Audio)
– Domestic Unlimited Direct Connect and Group Connect
– Domestic Nationwide Long Distance and No Roaming Charges
– Unlimited domestic web access
– Access to Music Premier and TV Premier
– Unlimited Navigation – GPS Navigation
– E-mail including ActiveSynch or BlackBerry BIS access (for BlackBerry
– NFL Mobile and NASCAR Sprint Cup Mobile
– Unlimited Nights Starting at 7:00 p.m.
– Unlimited Sprint Mobile to Mobile Calling
– 500 Minute Plans: Additional minutes $0.45 overage rate
– 1000 Minute Plans: Additional minutes $0.40 overage rate
– Plans do not pool or share minutes.
– Call Forwarding is 20 cents per minute.
If you want to get the existing SERO plan for $30.00 then, you need to
port-in before July 12 otherwise you can port-in anytime after July 12,
2008 and get the new plan.
Thank you for using eCare. Have a great day.
Hellena S.
so the 1000 munute plan will be 79 or 69
I stumbled upon a link online that will allow you to get past the first screen requesting the employee email address & last 3 digits of the Employee ID. My friend just did it and worked so if you are still interested in getting on the current SERO plan (runs through July 13th), here is the link!!! YAY!!!
This is going to hurt Sprint very much. Some people are only with sprint because of this plan. I was about to get 3 more customers for Sprint and if they are not able to get the Sprint Sero plan then they will just go back to Alltel. We’ll see how much more damage Sprint will cause to their sinking boat. All I know is sprint better not try to make me change my current Sero Plan or bye bye to them.
For all the last minute shoppers, TODAY is the last day!!! If you need to sign up for SERO or know someone that does, use and/or share this link! Still works!
During the order process use the employee address: savings@sprintemi.com
[…] by PhoneNews.com helped turn the tide, and PDA and Smartphones are still permitted on SERO. However, plans were already under way to […]
Although the link still works, Sprint has since changed the plans…$59.99 Simply Everything is the lowest priced plan available. Sorry to all that didn’t get in before the switch!
Looks like Sprint has officially put the 5GB limit in place for it’s broadband cards… from the new Everything Plus Referral Program site:
Exclusive Referral for Sprint Mobile Broadband Cards
With this plan and your Mobile Broadband Card or USB modem, you have instant Internet access wherever you go on the largest national Mobile Broadband network.
This plan includes
Internet access on the largest national Mobile Broadband network.
5 GB/mo. in total or 300 MB/mo. while off-network roaming. (1024 kb=1MB. 1024 MB=1 GB).
International data roaming may incur additional charges. Sprint reserves the right to limit throughput speeds or amount of data transferred.
Anytime Minutes Monthly Price Monthly Usage
0 $49.99 5GB
can an employee please send me a referral? E-mail and last 4 digits of sprint ID please! Thanks
I need a referral any sprint empoyees please email me at anthony_salgado34@yahoo.com
Can anyone email me Sprint’s employee’s email and required ID?
Any sprint employees who would be so kind as to share the wealth, please e-mail me your e-mail address (obviously) and your required ID, I have been delaying putting off starting a sero account for a bit to long, as it looks like I missed the really good deal. Darn It, but I would still like the chance to try now, I guess.
Forgot, my e-mail address is njmidwestvet@gmail.com
I’d also like a referral from some friendly, neighborhood Sprint employee. 🙂 terpslax@hotmail.com
If there is a Sprint employee who would provide their email address and last 3 digits of their ID# I would really appreciate it. Money is tight right now and I can use all the help I can get. THANKS!
Can anyone email me Sprint’s employee’s email and required ID?
Thanks in advance
Forgot to add my email. :-O
Hello. I would love to get an referral from a Sprint employee to the Everything Plus plan. Please email me the employee email address and the last 3 digits of the ID. Thank you! xpbebe81@yahoo.com
Also looking to sign up to the new Everything Plus plan. I would like to get a referral e-mal address and CID, too. It’s not cheap, but it’s the best deal around. Thanks. theman_183@hotmail.com
Hello. I would love to get an referral from a Sprint employee to the Everything Plus plan. Please email me the employee email address and the last 3 digits of the ID. Thank you!
I would love to get an referral from a Sprint employee to the Everything Plus plan. Please email me the employee email address and the last 3 digits of the ID. Thank you!
sorry here is my email: maxim407@gmail.com