Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

7 responses to “Sprint Posts Pre webOS 1.2 Changelog”

  1. CMercs

    Hmmph… Good changes. Mostly bug fixes. I was hoping for some changes to the Text Messaging to allow sending to multiple contacts and forwarding.

    I was wishfully thinking of Video in the camera. Ah well.

  2. JBundyLive

    I was hoping for the Facebook app seen in the Pixi video.

  3. JohnH

    You can already send text messages to multiple contacts… you can’t forward, but NEW texts can be sent to multiple contacts. A facebook app would be nice.

  4. Q.Carter

    I was hopin for the ability too shoot videos and how to get your music from itunes on you phone cause with the new Itunes 9 you cant snc with it anymore and the facebook app and the ability to use more messenger types like yahoo and windows live

  5. Chris

    Ok so a work around that i found for yahoo messenger and windows live by looking for iphone compatible websites is You can open 2 web browser windows. One logged into Yahoo and one logged into Windows Live. also supports many more IMing prgrams/sites. I does update automatically as long as your logged in. Tweaks are always an option to add a bit of the functions your wanting but remove them before the WebOS 1.2 update.

  6. Chris

    Also… mySpace already has a great mobile website for touch phones and for Facebook goto….. ALSO correction to my post above the website for the IMing is Meebo not Meetbo. As more Iphone compatible website are created you should try them out. They are great on the Pre

  7. Deutsches Pre auf webOS 1.2 updaten (englische Sprache) - Palm Pre Forum

    […] Reader z. B. funktioniert jetzt alles, wie es soll. Eine Liste der Bugfixes findet man hier: Sprint Posts Pre webOS 1.2 Changelog | Palm webOS 1.2.1 released; fixes iTunes sync, Exchange and more UND Synchronisieren mit iTunes […]