Sprint Launches Two New EVDO Rev A Aircards

Sprint announced this morning the 4th quarter availability of the Pantech PX-500 and Sierra Wireless Aircard 595.Both are EVDO rev A. devices, bringing Sprints total to 3 rev A. capable devices by years end. The Pantech PX-500 will sell for $199.99, but is free with a two year subscriber agreement.
The Sierra Wireless Aircard 595 will sell for $249.99 or $99.99 with a two year subscriber agreement.

“Sprint is at a competitive advantage with the nation’s largest mobile broadband network, our accelerated EV-DO Revision A deployment strategy and the nation’s first commercially available EV-DO Revision A-capable card we began selling last month,” said Danny Bowman, vice president of product marketing for Sprint. “By further expanding the number of devices that can be used to access Sprint Mobile Broadband services, we are giving customers even more choices to meet their mobility needs today and well into the future.”

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