Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

3 responses to “Sprint and Verizon to Launch Wi-Fi Enabled BlackBerry Devices Next Year”

  1. Greg

    The HTC Snap from Sprint does NOT include wi-fi. For whatever reason, it was removed on Sprint’s version.

  2. Jim

    Yeah, isn’t that a corker, considering this pronouncement? I played with the Snap last week just to confirm this very omission, and it was indeed the case. No wi-fi. Got to play with the VZW Ozone this morning, wi-fi was shining in all it’s glory, otherwise pretty much identical to the Sprint Snap, hardware-wise.

  3. BlackBerry 8530 Specs Surface |

    […] correlates Verizon’s previously stated plans to release a version of the BlackBerry Tour with Wi-Fi, as well as releasing smart devices […]