Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

5 responses to “San Francisco Clearwire Delay Due to Bureaucracy”

  1. EP

    It’s San Francisco. This shouldn’t come as a shock unfortunately…

  2. Jeff

    Why bother? If the people there really want it, let them petition the city for it.

  3. Christopher Price

    The will of the people and the bureaucracy of San Francisco are two very different things, Jeff. Try living there for awhile and you’ll understand.

  4. James

    I have used this service in the past and it is far inferior to other mobile service providers. Just look at the reviews and blogs online. What is happening in San Francisco is also happening in the City of Omaha, NE with Clearwire. The City of Omaha denied Clearwire permits to setup towers within city limits due to the unstable and reliability issues with the company.

  5. Sprint and Clearwire Roll Out WiMax in San Francisco |

    […] 4G WiMax broadband service to the city of San Francisco and surrounding cities. This also follows months of beauracratic wrangling with the San Francisco Planning […]