Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

6 responses to “Samsung Galaxy Tab Activation Bypass Now Available”

  1. Samsung Galaxy Tab Activation Bypass Now Available | Actual Technology News Blog

    […] full post on Related Reviews the Samsung Galaxy TabSamsung aims to sell 1 mln Galaxy […]

  2. Christopher Price

    If you have a phone with mobile hotspot (like the Palm Pre Plus), this may be an attractive option for many.

    The 3G versions of the Galaxy Tab include GPS, and that gives you Google Maps Navigation on a massive screen. The Wi-Fi only version of Galaxy Tab lacks GPS (similar to iPad).

  3. Mike G

    How do you know if it worked?

  4. Christopher Price

    You should either be dropped to a home screen, or continue on with the Android activation process. You will see the screen change.

  5. Jestar

    Does the Tab have to be in a certain mode or screen when this is done?

  6. Aziz

    actually i did it once before and it was worked successfully, and by mistake i reset the device to factory setting then i tried hundreds of time but nothing happen !!!
    any suggestions?