Bloomberg BusinessWeek has filed a report citing unnamed sources from within Apple that have confirmed that Apple is ready to launch the long-delayed while Apple iPhone 4 after a 10-month delay due to manufacturing issues. This falls inline with previous availability timelines cited by the manufacturer in marketing materials. The white iPhone 4 was originally set for launch one month after the launch of the black model, but was subsequently delayed for many months due to the aforementioned manufacturing issues centering on the white paint used to coat the device.
The recently launched White iPad 2 also suggests that Apple has rectified its manufacturing issues with white paint and that Apple is ramping up its production lines to offer both AT&T and Verizon models of the white iPhone 4.
Who in their right mind would by a iPhone4 now right as the iPhone5 is rounding the corner?
What a giant waste of time and money…If they were going to fix any problem with the phone how about the antenna for starters…