News and information you won’t find anywhere else, direct from our second day of comprehensive CTIA coverage. Read more to see the photos, and read the news from the show floor.

Today, we take a look at AT&T Cingular, Kyocera, Nokia CDMA, Sony Ericsson, TechFaith, and UTStarcom. Plus, new info on upcoming HTC/UTStarcom PDA releases, and the future of Nokia CDMA. And, of course, click on any image to view it in high definition.

UTStarcom & HTC – PPC-6800, SMT-5800
One point of misinformation that has persisted is in regards to HTC and UTStarcom. Despite reports falsely scooped by other phone information sites, HTC and UTStarcom are continuing and furthering their relations in the Untied States. directly confirmed with both UTStarcom and HTC that they will continue to work together in shipping HTC CDMA devices in the United States. has also learned the reason for the delay of the PPC-6800 and SMT-5800. HTC this week released these devices abroad (in Canada on Telus) lacking EV-DO Rev A. HTC will later software update these devices to support EV-DO Rev A.
Sprint and Verizon however have chosen to wait for EV-DO Rev A to be integrated into HTC’s next wave of devices. Once that has been completed, they will ship. It is also possible that this delay will ensure Windows Mobile 6 ships on both devices. While the SMT-5800 cannot be confirmed, but both carriers are fully locked on to releasing the PPC-6800.
However, because of this delay, only the Telus-branded version (the P4000) was available for show. Specifics such as if the HTC brand will be stamped on the UTStarcom-sold devices remains to be seen.
In addition, UTStarcom unveiled a plethora of regular phones. From the CDM1450 to the CDM7026, see all the latest UTStarcom announcements and upcoming phones.

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AT&T Cingular
Take a good long look at the Cingular booth. This is the last time you’ll see it, as AT&T branding fully takes over next month. We just wanted to give you one last shot of it, along with the first AT&T-branded AirCards from Sierra.

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Nokia CDMA
We did finally find Nokia CDMA’s presence at CTIA. Not that you can blame us, the “presence” dwindled from such a massive presence last year, to a half of a desk this year. They had absolutely no new devices on display. Also, we unfortunately found confusion even at Nokia’s leadership. Nokia CDMA product managers were completely unaware of the Nokia 7088, despite it being announced yesterday. After considerable questioning, Nokia did get the story straight on the Nokia 7088.

The Nokia 7088 is not headed to the United States. It was designed by Nokia CDMA Asia, and Nokia does not know if it was ODM-vended or not. Nokia did confirm that future phones from their U.S. CDMA division would be ODM-based, but would use the “same software platform” (Series 40) as Nokia CDMA phones being sold today. We cannot stress that this is a fluid situation, and information on this can change at a moment’s notice. can only provide the latest official information on this, or anything else for that matter.

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Kyocera made a big splash at CTIA this year, branding all the shuttles and having the third largest booth at the show. Kyocera’s goal for 2007 is to re-enter the wireless industry in the United States with some actual standing. Over the past couple of years, Kyocera went from having presence in both CDMA carriers, to having almost no presence other than with MVNOs (Amp’d and Virgin Mobile).
The E1000, E5000, KPC680, M1000, and even the ultra-low end S1000 intend to deliver that. And, here they are below, complete with specifications.

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Sony Ericsson

From the W580i to the W750, we have all of Sony Ericsson phones, including previous announcements that have been live-shot for the first time. Check out the photos below for specifications alongside the phones themselves.

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In case you don’t know, TechFaith is a ODM that has been growing over the past couple of years. They are most notable for fueling i-mate’s product portfolio after a falling out between i-mate and HTC. Oddly enough, TechFaith aparrently didn’t like all the high-profile coverage. Shortly after we swept the booth with cameras, picking up even CDMA phones that would work just fine in the United States, TechFaith started pulling devices from their booth.
As you can see below, the result is a row of empty cases, and our willingness to post even more photos that make such actions useless.