Orb Networks has released Orb version 2.0. The extremely popular plase-shifting software has been completely redesigned with the notion of “MyCasting”. The web-based access to your PC now takes advantage of AJAX technology, providing a PC-like experience for accessing your media from any web browser.
In addition, Orb 2.0 now supports YouTube integration, and will play back video to most Smartphones and 3GPP-enabled devices (such as any Sprint Power Vision or Cingular Video phone).
However, the feature Orb is best known for is the ability to stream Live TV from your home PC (using a TV tuner card or box) to a phone or any other PC in the world. WIth a new channel guide, and support for Flash Video, Orb 2.0 can stream Live TV to almost any PC or capable phone in the world, for free.

Orb 2.0 is a free download, and registration is free. However, Orb 2.0 is not yet fully compatible with Windows Vista.