Update 3: Well, after 70 hours (yes I was counting), Vision has been restored to my phone. Of course, in the process I lost my username…
So in the end I think they just took Vision off and put it back on. Nice job Sprint (not).
Update 2: Now it’s 48 hours. This is crazy. The last Vision tech I talked to said that the database problem was fixed, but that I am having a different problem.
Update: 24 hours without Vision. Some people are reporting sucess after requesting a trouble/clarify ticket but this hasn’t worked for me yet…
Slow news day…
Just picked up a Samsung A620 (called VGA1000 by Sprint) from Costco. It’s $249 but on Monday a $50 coupon you can get from the customer service desk will take effect and I will go back and take advantage of it then.
Costco’s no-time-limit-on-returns (except for computers) makes the $45 yearly membership worth it, as it makes a great upgrade policy. Not to mention the free Car Charger, Body Glove case, and headset bundled with the phone, as well as an Extended Battery that will be shipped to all Costco A620 buyers for free (they do it by ESN number – don’t even need to send in a rebate).
Now, that said, it turns out that the Costco A620’s all can’t access Vision, and I do mean all of them. I hope Sprint is reading this, because this needed to be fixed YESTERDAY! Another Sprint “failure story” as this phone is in my opinion a step up from the Sanyo 5300.