Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

6 responses to “More On StraightTalk Verizon BYOD and Possible 4G LTE Support Timeframe”

  1. Dennis Bournique

    Verizon LTE on Straight Talk would be very disruptive especially if the $45/month price stays. I’m looking forward to it happening.

    FYI, Ting had LTE long before Voyager and recently started activating Sprint LTE phones with LTE working.

    Straight Talk’s sister Tracfone brands NET10 and Telcel America launched their Verizon BYOD programs Wednesday and Thursday, respectively. I find it hard to believe that it will take Straight Take a month longer to light up their identical option.

  2. Mike

    When you say “select markets”, does that really mean anything? For example, if an iPhone isn’t offered for my zip code and I KNOW Verizon prepaid works where I live – all I have to do is find a zip code where the iPhone is available and order it. That doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense.

  3. Dee

    Too bad I cannot use my Droid X from Pageplus on either Net10 or Telcel.

    I took the phone off Pageplus last week. I tested the ESN last week on Net10 and Tecel, and they were ok, I tested the ESN again on both networks today, and they were rejected 🙁

  4. Wes

    Do you know if there is any update for the iPhone 5 on straight talk to get 4G LTE?

  5. Jonni Herrera

    Does anybody know if the LG Ally from Verizon works with the straight talk plan??