MetroPCS has announced two new Android smartphones in the LG Connect and Samsung Galaxy Attain 4G with LTE support that will be launching within the next few weeks. Starting with the LG Connect, the phone features a 4-inch Nova display with Gorilla Glass and a dual-core 1.2GHz processor, 5.0 megapixel main camera with flash and 720p HD video capture, as well as a front-facing camera for video chats and also includes Dolby Mobile sound processing for enhanced audio.
The Samsung Galaxy Attain 4G features Android 2.3 Gingerbread, 3.5-inch display, and is powered by a 1GHz processor. with a 3.2-megapixel main camera, LED flash and a 1.3-megapixel front-facing camera with Google Talk support. Pricing for the Galaxy Attain 4G is set at $249.99 before an additional $50 mail-in rebate bringing the total to $199.99.
The new LTE smartphones reflect the new emphasis on LTE for the carrier after months of stagnating growth as a result of the spectrum crunch it faces due to not having enough available to launch LTE in current markets while making the transition from CDMA in order to make better use of the AWS spectrum it does have in order to focus on LTE.
The new lower pricing for both phones also reflects the continual decrease in prices for phones with built-in LTE radios following statements from MetroPCS last year regarding the lack of cheap LTE phones, with the next major reduction in costs for LTE enabled phones not expected until the second half of the year.