We’re back from Macworld Expo. From Apple TV, to iPhone, to everything else Mac… we have it in, and of course, simulcast in HD. Read more to see the massive photo gallery.

Apple TV: In 2D
Apple TV was finally revealed, and completely unchanged from the iTV we first saw months ago. The lack of 1080p support simply cannot be overlooked, though Apple may be taking the smart route by targeting the masses with predominantly 720p support (1080i and 480p are also supported). Apple did not answer if 1080p support could be enabled in a firmware update (a la the same-priced Xbox 360).

AirPort Extreme 3
One of the least-hyped products at Macworld was Apple’s new Airport Extreme with 802.11n. The new AirPort doesn’t just add new air interface, it also adds USB Drive support. This is a huge asset when taking into account Mac OS X Leopard set to launch this spring. Using USB drive, you can have a network backup performed automatically to a drive without needing another Mac, or lugging around a hard drive with your computer.
With AirPort Extreme not shipping yet (and Leopard for that matter), it’s difficult to see how far this can be taken. Ideally, users would be able to transact Time Machine backups to a USB drive plugged in from off-site. We’ll overlook the lack of a FireWire port simply because AirPort has become just one of the slugs.

Second & Third Parties: FileMaker, Microsoft, Micromat
Here’s some array of useless photos from other companies. FileMaker: Selling the same product since Dogcow 1.0. Microsoft pushes Office 2007 back to Office 2008… but still plans to release this year. Micromat? Protecting your security since 2006.
And we’re the most Mac savvy name in wireless news… unfortunately third-parties just didn’t show a major presence at Macworld this year.

Mac Gaming: Don’t Say Boot Camp
Mac gaming at Macworld is smaller than ever. We wonder why… Where the gaming pavilion had sit-down room last year, it was pretty much devoid of things to write home about.

Modbook: A New Mac! Sorta…
One great third-party product announcement was Modbook. Modbook is basically a typical MacBook that has been converted into a tablet. The machine even comes loaded with optional GPS, and thanks to Apple’s Ink support, the touchscreen works very well. Other World Computing is marketing the device, and also picking up the (voided) Apple warranty.

iPhone: In BlurryVision
We apologize for the poor photo quality of our iPhone gallery. We were schedueled for some personal time with the iPhone, however our appointment was bumped and we couldn’t reschedule. We hope to trek up to Cupertino to get some better photos and feedback… we’re already working the logistics out with Apple.
Until then, we’ve been pushing the limits of photo quality behind glass. Here’s what we have: