Several more details have been released over the past 24 hours surrounding Apple’s iPhone. Apple has announced that YouTube will be included with the iPhone, offering full access to YouTube from the iPhone wirelessly. YouTube has previously announced their transition to open 3GPP and H.264 standards for encoding, ensuring open access to mobile devices. iPhone will access YouTube via a new button on the home screen.
In addition, Apple has updated its iPhone web site, which added the final firmware version to its online demo suite. The demos offer viewing of YouTube, as well as several more-minor changes. Apple has added the default signature “Sent from my iPhone” to the bottom of each email sent. This is similar to RIM’s BlackBerry, which will give Apple free advertising unless the user chooses to turn the signature off.
Also leaked today was the first confirmations about the iPhone dock. The dock is similar to a standard iPod dock, however it also supports the ability to recharge Apple’s own Bluetooth headset simultaneously.
WIth the release of Mac OS X 10.4.10, users have located additional files that confirm the presence of forthcoming Yahoo! Sync support. Upon the release of iPhone, Apple will offer free sync support between Apple Address Book and iCal with Yahoo. Yahoo is already confirmed to be the P-IMAP email service provider at-launch for iPhone, giving every iPhone owner a free Yahoo Push Mail account.
Finally, AT&T has alerted stores to begin preliminary planning for the iPhone launch. AT&T has asked stores to acquire (either by ordering or borrowing) line-forming-devices. While some had expected stores to stay open until midnight, most stores will open at 6 PM and close at 10 PM.
Update: Sources have called into question Think Secret’s assertion that the Bluetooth headset is charged in the iPhone dock. Instead, the Apple Bluetooth headset is now reported to have its own dock which magnetically connects to the headset.