Christopher Price is the Founding Editor of Today, he leads the team building Console, Inc. - a new kind of Android™ device. He still likes to pontificate... a lot. You can visit his personal blog at

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329 responses to “How To: Get an iPhone 3G for $199… Without Contract! (Updated)”

  1. Do you really want an iPhone on prepaid? | Prepaid Reviews

    […] subscribe to the the feed.I’m wondering if this would work. last week posted a guide on how to get the iPhone 3G for $199, without a contract (emphasis on that last part). […]

  2. help

    This is slightly unrelated but does anyone know if I can use the iphone (either gen 1 OR 3g) with an existing family plan? None of them have iphones. Ideally I’d only pay $9.99/month and still be able to use the wifi.

    From talking to someone at the AT&T store it sounds like I’d be forced to pay $20/month (or is it $30 for the 3g?) for a data plan when I activate… Is there any way around this??? I really don’t care about data- I just need a phone for emergencies and it would be a bonus to be able to use the wifi. And I don’t want to pay more than $9.99/month.

  3. help

    I forgot to ask- if I get myself added on a $9.99 family plan do I have to sign any kind of contract?

  4. aloha yao

    So did anyone try this method and get the new Iphone 3G yet?

  5. Ben

    I went to the apple store to find 500 people in line…. I’m gonna wait till next week to get it. Oh, and I got my tilt today 🙂

  6. cubara


    Officially you are suppose to only use AT&T’s iphone plans with a stock iphone. But I understand with an unlocked iphone, you should be able to use it with any compatible GSM plan which includes postpaid, or prepaid from any GSM provider.

  7. cubara

    @aloha yao

    also waiting for feedback from people here.

  8. help


    Thanks… I *want* to use AT&T’s plan. I want to add an iphone to my family’s existing family plan for $9.99/month. But I don’t want to have to pay $20/month (or $30 for the 3g) for data. That’s the question- if that’s possible. According to the person I talked with at the AT&T store- it’s not- I’m forced to sign up for a data plan.

  9. cubara


    Right, you would still need an unlocked iphone to use AT&T’s non-iphone plans.

  10. iPhone 3G: The Dirty FAQ |

    […] Did the convoluted cheap iPhone 3G guide actually […]

  11. pat

    you can buy the new 3G Iphone without a contract by simply asking at the apple store!

    they offer 3 ways to buy:
    1. old iphone customers with the upgrade get them for 200 and 300
    2. people not eligible for an upgrade get them for 300 and 400
    3. people not wanting a contract get them for 600 and 700

    and i just got off the phone with the AT&T sales rep who told me that yes you can put them on the pick your plan pre-paid plans. all you do is take your phone you bought from the apple store home and connect it with itunes. click to activate and when it notifies you that a deposit is needed click to activate without one and it will give you the option to put it on the pre paid accounts.

    there you go, its legal and works a side from the hefty price tag

  12. pat

    also if you want to get one even cheaper then the crazy plan offered by the guy on here then do this:

    go pay the 600 or 700 for the new iphone 3G ( 8gb or 16gb). then go home and put the dam thing on ebay so one of the morons on there can bid on it. they are selling upwards of $1200.00 right now!

    you should be able to double your money or get dam close to it. once you did that then take your money from the sale and put the 600 or 700 back in your bank and take the rest you made back to the apple store and buy another one out right with no contract.

    there you go

  13. pks

    Will this whole ‘action plan’ to get iphone 3g (w/ tilt & iphone 1st gen) work if I order a tilt after July 11? My concern is, if I get my hands on a used iphone 1st gen now, can I change my activation from tilt to iphone 1st gen?

  14. scott

    so I have a question I recently had the iphone edge and it got stolen while i was in europe…I had to get a replacement gophone and now that shows up in my account information i want to upgrade to iphone 3g but do i have to use my upgrade or can i tell them i used to have an iphone..if not is there anyway i can manually input my imei number off the box to my att account?

  15. minh

    yo, i just upgrade to a tilt from my iphone 2g (since i was out of contract) on the at&t site.
    I’m going to leave the iphone on the line and sell the tilt when it comes in the mail.

    Can i still get the iphone 3g for 199? Since iphone 2g is still technically on my line, i should be eligible for upgrade?

  16. Aaron L

    So I thought I would share my own little tweak on this plan that I successfully ran through yesterday. I got in line at 3:50 am for the new iphone. I went in to upgrade from my existing iphone to the new one. After getting through this… wasnt able to activate in store because the activation servers were down… I went home and took a nap. At around 2:30 pm activation servers were back up. I activated my new phone, put a new sim that I got a few days before into the old iphone, plugged it in, and activated it on my other plan (week old, refurbished tilt plan for my wife). I went right back into the store and then upgraded that plan to get my wife the new iphone also. Then I am selling the tilt and the old iphone on ebay to pay for our 2 new phones which we got for the upgrade price. I also had 2 couple apple gift cards so I wont have spent a dime. Thanks for the advice.

  17. Steve

    Will the guide work post july 11 purchase of the tilt???

  18. minh

    Aaron: You did this all on 7/11? looks like the prior to 7/11 is not real? Cleary, you activated it yesterday which by definition is not prior to 7/11. So we have hope?

  19. Snitch ER

    FORWARDED THIS THE APPLE, goodluck *********

  20. 325ic

    Snitch ER … are a ****. Your karma is going to suck. It probably already does.

  21. Jon

    A question guys, I got my Iphone 3G on July 12th…Do I cancel on the 30th day from that, or the 30th day from when my account was started? I opened a new line with ATT on July 8th. Thanks.

  22. minh

    @jon, u misread this whole guide. You won’t benefit from canceling. If you do, you’re going to have to sell your 3G on ebay.

    @chris: I upgraded to a tilt on 7/12 (out of contract, eligible). I activated my old iphone 2g yesterday on 7/12 as well. And this morning, it shows i’m eligible for upgrades again…

    so you tell me what this means.

    Once my tilt ships, i’m going in to the store to see if i can upgrade to the iphone 3g.

  23. Jon


    I wanted to have the Iphone 3G, but without a contract. I still do not know when to actually cancel the account. Any ideas?

  24. minh

    @jon, The Original post stated you would need an original iphone. You should first, upgrade to the tilt. Then activate the old iphone on the current line. This would make you eligble for the $199 iphone 3g again (after buying your tilt at 149). Buy the iphone 3g for $199. Now you essentially bought 2 phones at discounted price. You don’t need 2 phones. Sell the Tilt (~$380).

    AT&T Tilt Refurb price with 2-year contract: -$149 now.
    Activation Fee: -$36
    Activated OLD 2g iphone: free
    BUY iPhone 3G 8 GB: -$199
    One month of service: -$70
    then cancel:
    Early Termination Fee: -$170
    Total Costs: -$624

    eBay value of AT&T Tilt Unlocked: ~$380

    $624- $380 = $244… and no contract.

  25. D_Money

    Why would AT&T just give you the phone after 30 days? I’m guessing in the contract you’re agreeing to return the phone within 30 days, even if the store is closed, wouldn’t they ask you to bring it back the next day? I would think you’d still be liable to return the phone even though the store is closed that day, anyone else see the logic behind this? And if you didn’t return it, they’d probably hit you with the full price $599 or $699, less what you paid, to keep the phone. Anybody?

  26. Ryan

    As an AT&T employee I can tell everyone that we are well aware of this loophole and that you now need to have the 2G iPhone on your account for 90 days before you are upgrade eligible for a iPhone 3G at the $199 price. Also Mr. Price’s referral link is indeed in violation of the referral TOS.

  27. Ryan

    You get the phone because you pay the early termination fee, which reimburses us for the loss of monthly payments. It’s how subsidies on phones work.

  28. Ryan

    I work for AT&T, so I think I would know a little bit about how things work with this company.
    If people want to cut and run after 30 days, they can. It’s not against anything.

    What you are doing is luring people into a trap for your own profit. It’s sickening.

  29. Jon


    Yeah, I read all that and followed it. I bought the Tilt, activated it, then activated my old Iphone. Next, I bought the Iphone 3G for $199. I just need to know when to cancel my account so that I do not get charged for 2 months of service. I Ordered the Tilt on July 8th. I received it on the 11th and activated that day. The next day the 12th, I was able to purchase the Iphone 3G for $199. Do I cancel the plan on the 30th day starting from the 12th or from the 8th when my phone was ordered? Thanks for the replies Minh. Any input from others would be also helpful. Thanks!

  30. CH69NO


  31. Aaron L

    I didnt know about that having to activate the old iPhone before July 11th bit. But yes I did everything on July 11th and it worked for me. I must have slipped through the cracks if it isnt working now.

  32. Michael

    This is a nice guide.. I wish I could’ve seen it sooner. Not sure why everyone is so up in arms about it. It absolutely would work if you had a 1st gen. iPhone pre-July 11. Why?

    Owners of the 1st gen iPhone (pre-July 11) DO qualify for the $199/$299 upgrade prices regardless of time since last upgrade/remaining time on contract.

    After 30 days you CAN cancel service, pay the early-term fee, AND keep the phone…..

    It’s as simple as that..

    I bought a 3G on Friday. I have all of the paperwork and contract terms. Clearly, within 30 days, return the phone. After that it’s the early termination fee, and see ya later.

  33. Jon


    I got my Iphone 3G on the Saturday July 12th. Do I cancel on the 30th day from that or from when my account was established with the Tilt? Thanks.

  34. john

    this is a dumb plan for anyone:

    u can buy the phone for 400 without a contract, so why pay 200 and then money for a plan for a month and then cancel on the 30th day and pay 170, that puts you over 400. are you stupid? ? ?

    if you have a family plan with 3 or 5 lines, and you get 5 iphones for 200 each, then you can possibly sell the extra ones you dont really want and switch those lines to regular phones and make some money off the whole thing. and i guess you have to start a new 2 year contract.

    you can also always claim that you have no signal anymore at home and then they will likely cancel your contract. if they dont call your state consumer protection dept and they will email att for you and get you cancelled. att has terrible signal quality in many many areas where people work and live .

    you can also loose your phone or have it stolen (meaning sell it ) and you should be able to go to a apple store and buy another one and put it on your account. i mean what would they do now if you lost your phone? ? they would sell you another one rather than have you go to another company . they make 1200$$ a year off you so they dont want to loose you.

  35. minh

    @john: Retail iphone with no contract is 600 & 700 for 8gb and 16gb respectively. Where are you getting your $400 from?

  36. AI

    Hey, but as I know you have to _give_back_ your old iPhone (not just flash it to AT&T rep) if you want to uprgrade to 3G for $199 anyway

  37. minh

    i just ordered my iphone last night. I got my tilt on the way as well. Looking good guys :). I did this all AFTER the 7/11 date. Still hope for this loophole.

  38. AI

    minh, how did you order your iPhone if the in-store purchase required?

  39. cubara

    also confirming this works with iphone activation after july 11th. just got my phone today after standing in line for 4hrs, so would like to thank Chris et al. for this wonderful guide with step by step instructions. the iphone activation part was confusing tho. note that you do not need a new unprogrammed sim card. using the 3g sim from the tilt to activate is fine. you can still put the sim in the tilt after activation with the iphone. just the iphone is restricted to the sim card it is activated with.

  40. SiNizTeR MinDeD

    sorry i couldn’t finish reading this. OMG are you guys that serious why are you ppl so crazied about this phone. first of all i don’t think you really know what your talking about in your instructions. Yes it will work to a degree but not all the way, once you activate a 2g iphone it will make u eligbale for the cheaper price for the 3g iphone you can not just cancel the lines. if you activate a 3g iphone and want to cancel the service you will HAVE TO RETURN THE DEVICE, also if you did return the 3g iphone and still want to cancel with the original tilt you purchased, you will pay the cancelation fee as well as a “liquid damage fee” this is for those ppl that want to activate lines to just get equipment. no one ever tells you about that, so you will pay more in the end. if you want to try it for yourself go ahead. oh yeah ATT doesn’t pay peanuts for phones, yes they pay less for it then the suggested retail price but it is more then the price after all discounts and mail in rebates, think about it, some phones are free. they aren’t free to make and sell for the cell phone companies. if you don’t want the 2 yr service don’t get the phone.

  41. SiNizTeR MinDeD

    there is a way to get the a lot of these phones to sell, but since it just came out i don’t know if it will actually work. hey if i find out if it does work, you might see me selling these 3g iphones =).

    Oh yea PS as of right now regardless of price there’s a 2 yr contract required, there is a NO CONTRACT price yet, maybe later this year once everyone has the phone and no point to buy.

    iHate iPhone

  42. Piotr

    Here’s what you do to get a 16gb iphone 3G without 2 year contract. Sign up for ATT, buy the discounted 16gb iphone for $299, pay $70 for the first months service and then on the 30th day cancel your account for $170. You end up paying around $570 (including all taxes)as opposed to the $750 (with taxes) you would pay for the 16GB iphone bought without contract. And the kicker is that your $570 price tag already includes 1 month of service. You can also sell that 16GB iphone on eBay for around $800-$850, or well over $1000 if you manage to unlock it. Not a bad profit.

  43. Daniel

    What if i have an already used att sim card from a while ago because i used to have ATT,And i took that sim card and just put that in the new iphone. would it unlock the features that i need (cus its cheaper than the ipod touch and thats all i want.)

  44. Jonah

    Can anyone confirm if this still work?
    Are you sure you dont have to maintain the old iphone for a amount of time before being eligible for upgrade to 3g?