In a post on the Official Google Mobile Blog, Google has announced a new version of the venerable Google Maps for Mobile application with support for Street View and pedestrian direction input as well as increases in loading speed and My Location updates.
The application is now available for all Java enabled handsets and BlackBerry devices with future versions for other platforms planned.
Does this work for Windows Mobile?
Is it available for the HTC Touch?
It doesn’t work with Windows Mobile or Symbian phones…
This link has some further info:
Windows Mobile and Symbian (as well as Garnet OS) releases of Google Maps typically lag the Java version. 2.3 will be released soon for those devices as well.
If your Windows Mobile or Symbian phone has Java installed, you can manually plug in the Java URL and download that client… Street View should run on it. It should also work on Palm phones with the IBM JVM installed.