T-Mobile has been planning to release their T-Mobile Dash Windows Mobile 6 upgrade on May 4th, but today the updater was released onto the web. It is not known who released the updater, but it has been confirmed that this is the final version set for release.

Microsoft and T-Mobile negotiated a software license upgrade, essentially, ensuring that all T-Mobile Dash owners would be able to upgrade to Windows Mobile 6 without paying an upgrade fee. This type of license upgrade has been offered in the past, most prominently when Microsoft encouraged device makers to upgrade from Pocket PC 2002 Phone Edition, to Windows Mobile 2003.
Because the software vouches as the shipping version, and because it includes a validated license upgrade, we are hosting the update for download. This is done in accordance with our Windows Mobile ROM policy. You can download the updater at the link below.
T-Mobile Dash Windows Mobile 6 Upgrade
Buy a Dash at Amazon.com
Update: The link above has been updated with the download from T-Mobile, as T-Mobile has officially released the upgrade.
purchased dash phone yesterday. Learned I can’t change language. Need to change language to spanish. Can I download this option?
I think a new version of Windows mobile 6 will be pretty good
How to update windows mobile 5 to version 6. Help please!!!
Pls tell me how to increase the volume on my phone. Is there something more that the volume strip? I can hardly hear the phone ring.
Pls help
iis it possible to download tv to the dash cause in the media file it gives the option for tv
hi: can anyone please send me the installer so i can run the dash in my pc.
i love it
how do i download a different softwear for my tmobile dash
how can i upgrade if i donit have a t-mobile number
pls how can i upgrade my tmobile dash cos when i wanna some app it tells me that i need a newer version of microsoft compact .NET…..