An eBay seller is offering the remaining supplies of Verizon’s leather cases, originally designed for the first-generation iPad. It’s a case we’ve highlighted in the past.
The case was designed to allow for the Wi-Fi first-generation iPad, as well as a Novatel MiFi, which Verizon marketed as a pairing at the time. The CDMA-based iPad would not come until iPad 2, and Verizon created special MiFi plans that would compliment the original Wi-Fi iPad.
The case has been found to perfectly fit several other tablets including the HP Touchpad and Motorola XOOM, as well as the newer iPad 2. It’s a case we use regularly in our offices.
Shipping is free on the item, and the seller also offers a return policy. While some have offered two of these for $5, it’s the best price we’ve seen for a single unit offering.
I got one last time, and still use it, only I keep my XYBOARD 8.2 and a spare Garmin in the pockets.
I purchased mine from about 2 weeks ago when they had them posted for $1.99 and free shipping. It fits my HP Touchpad (with a 1/8″ thick cover) perfectly.