Todays deal is for Sony CliÈ owners….
Best Buy has clearenced the PEGA-WL100 wireless lan compact flash card for the NZ/NX series CliÈs (normally $139.99) all the way down to $13.99. So if you got a Sony CliÈ go check that out.
I am currently tryign to find a driver mod to make it work in verious Pocket PC models and it one is found I will post it here after trying it.
Update: Yeah I know it’s sorta strange putting the update under the story but this isn’t as important as the deal. It’s an add-on. If you have a PocketPC you can download drivers from to make this card work in the PocketPC. Also if you have a laptop you can buy the $11.99 clearenced CompactFlash-to-PCMCIA adapter and use the windows xp drivers to make this card work. Thats a $25.98 wireless network card 🙂