Clearwire Formally Approves Sprint Purchase Ahead Of SoftBank Stake Closure
Clearwire shareholders formally accept Sprint purchase bid

Sprint Increases Clearwire Offer to $5 Per Share, Clearwire Postpones Vote
Sprint increases its offer for Clearwire and Clearwire shareholders agree, despite pending litigation against Dish Network.

Sprint Files Suit To Block Dish Purchase of Clearwire, Dish Network Halts Attempts to Purchase Sprint
Sprint files suit against Clearwire and Dish Network, hoping to stop the purchase of Clearwire ahead of its own purchase by SoftBank Japan

Clearwire Reschedules Vote On Sprint Purchase At Last Minute
Clearwire reschedules vote on Sprint purchase offer at the last minute due to revised Dish Network offer.

Clearwire Accepts Increased Sprint Bid for Purchase
Clearwire accepts Sprint’s increased bid for remaining 50%, all but shutting out Dish Network and solidifying Sprint’s plans.

FreedomPop Launches WiMax-Powered HomeBurst Hub and Home Service
Mobile broadband MVNO FreedomPop expands its free monthly broadband initiative to home service with the launch of its HoneBurst fixed hub and home service

Clearwire and Sprint Release Additional Public Statements on Dish Purchase Offer
Sprint and Clearwire issue separate statements on the Dish Network purchase offer and Clearwire elaborates on key points

Dish Network Makes (Slightly Higher) Counter Offer for Clearwire
Dish Network throws down the gauntlet to start its own LTE-based mobile broadband network, by making a counter offer for struggling ISP Clearwire. Naturally this led Sprint to issue a defensive counter statement on the action.

Clearwire Tests Tiered Data Plans and Slightly More Expensive Unlimited Data
In the wake of its forthcoming purchase by Sprint, Clearwire tests tiered data and a $10 increase on unlimited data in 10 markets.

Clearwire Agrees to Sprint Purchase at $2.97 Per Share
Sprint and Clearwire come to an agreement in which the wireless carrier will purchase the perpetually beleaguered ISP for nearly $3/share after some initial resistance