AT&T has announced the forthcoming launch of the LG G Flex 2 on Friday. The phone features an updated curved 5.5 inch P-OLED display at 1080p, a Snapdragon 810 processor and a 13-megapixel camera with optical image stabilization and “laser-guided” autofocus running Android 5.0 Lollipop. The phone also features LG’s software suite along with 3 GB RAM and 32 GB of internal storage with a microSDXC slot.
The phone will cost $708.99 outright and the two-year contract price is $299.99. Customers interested in monthly payments can buy the phone for $23.64 per month with an AT&T Next 24 plan, $29.55 per month on a Next 18 plan, or $35.45 per month on a Next 12 plan.