AT&T Lists Samsung Epix ROM Update

ImageAT&T has opened a dedicated page for the second Samsung Epix ROM update intended to fix issues with a prior update, patch more bugs and adds featues.

The update fixes a log dump error related to the network connectivity stack, enables audio alerts while in power saving mode, Outlook Notes sync, and a fix for ascending ringtone settings.

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Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

3 responses to “AT&T Lists Samsung Epix ROM Update”

  1. Jim

    Great news for EPIX owners, the SLOG dump issue was a real doozy and the ascrending ring issue was a real deal breaker for many. I hope the ROM update fixes hi-speed connectivity issues that users claim is endemic to this phone as well. Nice phone except for all the bugs.

  2. Microsoft Confirms Windows Mobile 6.5 Update for Samsung Epix |

    […] update to 6.5 follows up the last major ROM update released in May of this year to address bugs and other minor issues. Trackback | Permalink […]

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    […] update to 6.5 follows up the last major ROM update released in May of this year to address bugs and other minor […]