AT&T Launches Mobile TV Service with Samsung Access and LG Vu TV

As expected, AT&T has launched the Samsung Access and LG Vu Mobile TV enabled handsets.

The phones and service have launched in a total of 58 markets where MediaFLO service is available but no mention has been made of the LG Vu CU915 variant without support for Mobile TV. The Samsung Access is now on sale online for $299.99 before an additional $100 mail-in rebate while the LG Vu TV is now available for $399.99 before the same $100 mail in rebate bringing the total cost to $199.99 and $299.99 respectively.

Buy a Samsung Access or LG Vu TV CU920 from AT&T

Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

2 responses to “AT&T Launches Mobile TV Service with Samsung Access and LG Vu TV”

  1. Fahad Khan

    I can’t wait to get my VU !! I hope I like it. I didn’t like the Viewty’s touch response much !

  2. william

    i just got the vu its totally awesome it has xm radio witch sounds great and the tv is clear and good reception but needs more channels