Not long after Motorola filed suit against Apple earlier this month, Apple has fired back with its own countersuit filed in the state of Wisconsin, alleging that Motorola’s lineup of Android devices violates the following six patents:
7,812,828, Ellipse Fitting for Multi-Touch Surfaces
7,663,607, Multipoint Touchscreen
5,379,430, Object-Oriented System Locator System
7,497,949, Touch Screen Device, Method, and Graphical User Interface for Determining Commands by Applying Heuristics
6,493,002, Method and Apparatus for Displaying and Accessing Control and Status Information in a Computer System
5,838,315, Support for Custom User-Interaction Elements in a Graphical, Event-Driven Computer System
With the latest suit, Apple is now currently in litigation with the two largest manufacturers of Android-based devices; HTC, and the aforementioned Motorola.