Christopher Price is the Founding Editor of Today, he leads the team building Console, Inc. - a new kind of Android™ device. He still likes to pontificate... a lot. You can visit his personal blog at

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7 responses to “10 iPhone Apps You Haven’t Heard Of”

  1. Eric

    I’m sorry, but I have been a Paramedic for 18 years and we have never been trained to look at phone for “ICE”. We never look through a phone of a patient. Police may do this later, but most likely this could be considered an invasion of privacy, and I bet a police office would need to be very careful because if they found anything incriminating could it be used or did they need a warrant.

    I actually read an interesting article about ICE in a emergency magazine, and one thing they said is that you should be very careful if you do look for ICE on a phone, as in a terrorist activity it could be a setup. They could have done the first very small explosion to get everyone at the scene, and then one someone looks at the person’s phone and calls the ICE number that number is wired to a bigger device that kills all the rescue workers.

    I just want people to make sure they don’t rely on something like this, and if people lock their phones like they should we couldn’t get to this information anyway.

  2. Chris

    In case you haven’t heard: Congress passed the wiretapping bill yesterday. I don’t think they will be needing warrants to search people’s phones anymore (in the U.S. anyway).

  3. Benjamin

    Here ICE is mainly used in cases where the patient for whatever circumstance is unable to communicate. Even then they are required to contact the shift supervisor for approval prior to ICE lookup.

  4. Joseph

    Hi, ICE is mainly for paramedics. If you get sick or fall unconscious it is easy for the medical team to call your family or someone you know. This is a very good idea. If you go outand have a heart attack or something, it would be very stressful for your family to find you. To give you an example, I have a disability and am on medication and my family has knowledge of my condition. If I suddenly lost consciousness or became ill, I would ideally like my family to be contacted so the doctors could be informed as soon as it is practicable for my family to relay information about my health. Now, people on the comments section here are also forgetting that the UK health services encourages an ICE number, and apart from four or five people in the whole country who may have a malicious intent, it is very unlikely that the ICE number will be used for anything more dangerous than waking up a cantankerous parent from their slumber. I can’t believe the ridiculous paranoia of people on this forum. ICE is supposed to help famillies and people who may require emergency medical care. Where the hell does police, surveillance etc come into it? If someone loses their consciousness, why on earth would the paramedics look at random files on their phone? Go figure. ICE does not authorise anyone to look through unrelated files on your phone and if they did, without a VERY good reason, surely that would be an invasion of privacy, and they would cop hell. In any case, if you suddenly fall unconscious after a stroke, and you do have an iPhone in your pocket, it’s likelier someone will steal it than call someone you know. If you have more than one phone, it is best to carry either an insured device or your second best unit, since thieves always lurk in the shadows and won’t hesitate to take something valuable when you are vulnerable.

  5. John

    I’m a paramedic and one thing I have learned is you take what people tell you into account but I have had people tell me they are allergic to water and thats why they only drink soft drinks. ICE is something that no self reflecting paramedic is gonna use. In a cardiac arrest or unconcious i’m still gonna check your blood sugar if your a diabetic or not and kidney patients should always wear your medical braclete or necklace. In a true emergency im not gonna have my life depend on my phone when the paramedic has to go searching for the info when i can just look at a bracelete or necklace. I was a combat medic for 4 years with the army you they fastest and quickest thing is just have the info on your body and easily readable.