Christopher Price is the Founding Editor of Today, he leads the team building Console, Inc. - a new kind of Android™ device. He still likes to pontificate... a lot. You can visit his personal blog at

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Questions for Chris? You can also reach him by email, but please use the contact form for general comments, questions, and feedback.

4 responses to “Editorial: Console OS – The Birth of A Platform”

  1. On Console OS | Christopher Price .net

    […] that’s too short, you can check out this guest post, where I chronicled the history of my life in tech that led to the creation of Console […]

  2. Android For Windows PCs Is A Dream That Just Won’t Die

    Price explicitly says this in a recent editorial, explaining that he was driven to create Console OS out of a desire to escape the walled gardens of…

  3. Hi

    I remember arguing about how serious you were railing against walled gardens. I did not take you seriously then. I do now.

  4. An0nYm0u5

    Yea. I agree june… I have a somewhat more trusting like for chris now. I knew already of his tech creds. And his android efforts. But didnt see him as onr beyond poking to say he poked. But kudos chris. I take back the idiot comment and cardiac infarction request. And i hope you continue the work. As i now see you were merely making GOOGLE hold up for their own T.O.S. and not bashing cm or developers. I sincerely apologize brother. And i dont just throw the word brother around lightly…