If you want to buy one of the best midrange Android phones currently on the market, third-party online dealer LetsTalk is offering the Virgin Mobile Optimus V at an unheard of $28 outright, the lowest price ever for a prepaid Android smartphone without requiring any sort of rebate or catch. While the phone is backordered for immediate shipping, it can still be ordered for shipping later once more stock is received and orders will be filled accordingly.
While the phone is stuck at Android FroYo due to Virgin Mobile’s unwillingness to update to Gingerbread despite having the update available for deployment and provided by LG, at this price, it makes a much better media player than many dedicated Android PMPs. Also, the phone also avoids the forced plan change to the $35 Beyond Talk plan for those looking to keep the $25 rate plan, as the new $35 rate factors in the additional cost for WiMax access, launching next week.
I see it listed as $78