What you are looking at are the first images of the first high-end LG Android smartphone for MetroPCS in the LG Esteem with the model number MS910. The phone is expected to be released in mid-October and is based off of the Verizon LG Revolution with the following adjustments made for MetroPCS:
4.3 inch display, 1GHz Snapdragon processor, 512MB RAM, front facing camera, main camera of unknown resolution with flash, HDMI output, microSD slot, Android Gingerbread 2.3.4, 4GB internal memory (reduced from the 16GB internal of the Revolution), and WiFi hotspot support, which would make it the first Android smartphone on MetroPCS to support such functionality on an official basis. More specific details will be known closer to launch.
[…] device is said to launch in October, so keep reading and we’ll get you more when that happens.Source#dd_ajax_float{background:none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFF;border:1px solid […]
Nice to see more prepay action on the high end.
Good new Blog look Btw.
[…] Posted in Android, LG, LTE, MetroPCS | Tagged android 2.3, Bryce, Esteem, LG, LTE, MetroPCS | 2 Responses […]
A little mention as to where you got the info would be great, as I know where those pictures came from, and who posted them. Be a real journalist, and dont just rip pics and info from a source, with out at least mentioning where you got them.
Amen to that Questkev, considering we know the original source of this picture and information, it would be nice for them to mention where they got their info. I guess all you need is a computer with internet access to be a journalist these days…wow.
We avoid mentioning sources because of heavy monitoring by carriers, but if you want to be cited and risk getting fired, then I’ll go ahead and cite the original source.
You guys should get into the Chinese counterfeit business the way you shamelessly STEAL others work…
Humberto Saabedra
Drama ain’t working. If your source doesn’t want to be identified, mention that like most other blog do. But as you posted it you are implying that….can’t figure what you were implying!
You added a link back to the source in the lead sentence. Thank you.
So is it 4G?
To Kyle: Yes, it is. Just like the Revolution for Verizon.
I am really excited about this phone. I have $300 saved up for when it comes out. Just hope it’s not larger than $350
yeah. i know. i’ll have $300 by then. it looks great from the pics. I wanna wait until video reviews come out for the phone then buy it
If Metro charged $400 for the LTE Indulge when it first came out, they will charge that or more for this.
haha it’s funny because it’s an inside joke.
But really it would help a source or to.
[…] Source […]
updated pics on the phone
Well, he at least included that link to HoFo, after we asked him to credit the source. Originally, he had forgotten to do that.
^Which in my school you’d get expelled lol
[…] PhoneNews.com via Howard […]
Is it a slide phone as well ??
[…] previously reported, the Esteem features a 4.3 inch display, 1GHz Snapdragon processor, 512MB RAM, front facing camera, […]
[…] source: AndroidCentral, PhoneNews […]
Can I download Qik video chat appl to this phone? Please somebody tell me Thanks!!