has received word that Cricket will launch its version of the LG Optimus One smartphone in the LG Optimus C next Thursday, March 17th. While pricing wasn’t divulged, it’s expected to launch for around the same price as the LG Optimus M on direct competitor MetroPCS, which sells the smartphone for $199.99 before an additional rebate. The LG Optimus C will otherwise be identical to current models with a 3.2 inch capacitive touch display, Android 2.2, microSDHC expansion slot, 3.2 megapixel camera with video recorder and Bluetooth with stereo audio support.
Okay, so is this phone suppose to come out everywhere in the U.S.?
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[…] PhoneNews has it that Cricket will launch the Optimus C next week, on March 17. Most likely, Cricket will offer the smartpohne for a price similar to the one of MetroPCS’ Optimus M ($199). […]
[…] Source LG Optimus C Froyo smartphone for Cricket on March 17th Exclusive: Cricket Launching LG Optimus C Next Thursday  Related Review:LG Optimus Life Android SmartphoneLG has rolled out its new Android smartphone called the LG Optimus Life. The handset is comes with a lot of marvelous features and various color options – silver, aqua blue, pink, red, and titan. L…LG Optimus Me P350 Froyo Smartphone, Semi-announceLG Electronics has just published its upcoming low-end Android smartphone on their Facebook page, namely the LG Optimus Me P350. Inside of LG Optimus Me P350 has a capacitive touchscreen TFT displa…LG Optimus Black smartphone with NOVA display, thinnestLG has just officially announced a stylish new Android smartphone, the LG Optimus Black at CES 2011 event. It is promises that the Optimus Black is provides one-of-a-kind user experience unlike anythi…LG Optimus Mach LU3000 with original Ennio Morricone musicLG Electronics has announced an agreement with Italian legendary composer, Ennio Morricone. The famous musician has recorded unique and special orchestral music, which will be used in LG's newest Andr…Rogers Acer Liquid mt smartphone on Sale NowAcer has a next-generation smartphone, which claimed that combines style and power in a striking metal casing, named the Acer Liquid mt. The handset is now available in Canada via Rogers and offere… […]
[…] source: PhoneNews […]