Verizon Wireless has adjusted its rate table for prepaid service on its feature phones downward and halved daily access fees for two plans.
Starting with the lowest daily plan, the $0.99 cent access fee has been eliminated and is now set at 25 cents per minute of airtime and 20 cents per text message while the new $0.99 plan (reduced from $1.99) now includes unlimited voice calls to other Verizon Wireless customers, with night/weekend minutes and text messages at 10 cents each respectively. Â Verizon also has dropped the $3.99 daily plan down to $1.99 per day with unlimited air time for the day, but increases text message pricing from 1 cent to 2 cents per message.
It’s too bad these plans arrived mere months after KIN died. A KIN ONEm on this plan would make a potent prepaid option, especially with Wi-Fi Zune functionality.
I don’t see Microsoft revisiting their decision though.
These prepaid services that you have to pay per minute or per message dont make much sense to me. Those minutes and messages add up and before you know it, you’re stuck paying more than actually saving money. Thats why I stick with my unlimited plan with Straigh Talk, for $45 a month I get all the texts, calls and web I can or cannot handle.