According to the leaked EVO 4G launch day guide for Sprint retailers, the long awaited mobile hotspot service features a loophole whereby the service can be used without additional charge provided 4G WiMax service is available where the device is purchased.
To address the issue, Sprint will update the mobile hotspot application in early July which will close the WiMax mobile hotspot loophole and require activation/authentication for both WiMax and EVDO hotspot access at the previously confirmed $29.99 monthly rate.
I am very happy to read your articles, more useful for me especially
I have the same thing with you. I am so very petrified of this in my lectures.
thanks info.
OK, we have a phrasing issue. The way I take the many reports about this is that only new people signing up after the July patch will have to pay the 30 bucks. Yes or no?
Vice, everyone using the hotspot service after the July patch will be billed at the $29.99 rate regardless of new or previous activations.
I know this post is long after but I didnt use the hotspot that often and now I got a tablet and tried to use it. I think this is absolutely crazy. I am furious, I was sold the phone being told I could use hotspot and when you call sprint they tell you there is no way you ever used it without being charged. This is horrible customer service.