The webpage that was once home to the Zer01 virtual operator service now redirects to Google, a fitting end to a saga filled with smoke, mirrors and deflections. Zer01 Mobile launched with great fanfare last year prior to CES and CTIA promising unlimited VOIP service and data over its claimed proprietary backbone for $69.99 a month.
In fact, the fanfare was so great that Laptop magazine gave the non-existent service its CTIA Best of Show Award for 2009 before being quietly rescinded after coming to the harsh and sobering reality that there was no product to begin with. saw first hand the deception being conducted by Zer01 Mobile during both CES and CTIA last year when representatives for the venture were either absent from their booths, or giving empty answers to the most basic of questions with no product on hand in order to test the claims being touted by the venture.
After Zer01 Mobile failed to deliver its product to customers and the media after missing multiple self-imposed deadlines, it signed an agreement with MLM service GlobalVerge. Zer01 Mobile then distanced itself from GlobalVerge which was later exposed as a pyramid scheme.
Zer01 Mobile was still attempting to assure both customers and the media that they would launch services throughout 2009, to no avail. The story has now come full circle, as the homepage now simply redirects to Google, with no trace of the failed “product” that never was.