Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

7 responses to “New HTC Android and Windows Mobile Handsets Leak (Updated)”

  1. De onaangekondigde HD Touch mini en HTC Desire -

    […] Touch HD Mini laid bare! – WinMo @ MoDaCo Mooi formaat HTC Desire (Bravo) op Android New HTC Android and Windows Mobile Handsets Leak | Maak eerst gebruik van de zoekoptie bovenaan het forum voordat je iets vraagt! HTC Touch […]

  2. DP

    It would have been nice if some details of the rumored HTC Supersonic could have been leaked.

  3. Christopher Price

    Based on the chatter and what type of ‘no comments’ we’re getting from PR people, I would expect the Supersonic to be unveiled at CTIA.

  4. Ed

    When is CTIA?

  5. Christopher Price

    Mid-March. Starts around the 22nd.

  6. HTC Legend Approved By FCC |

    […] HTC, Nerds The FCC has revealed that it has approved the forthcoming HTC Legend, which has had its technical specifications previously confirmed. […]

  7. AT&T to Launch HTC Desire, Sprint to Launch HTC Legend as Hero 2 |

    […] and bodyshell finish will likely change to suit AT&T’s specifications while keeping the previously confirmed specifications of the international […]