We Need Writers

Want to write for PhoneNews.com? We’re offering the best pay rates in the industry. If you have excellent writing skills, and a well-rounded understanding of the mobile industry… get in touch with us.

Christopher Price is the Founding Editor of PhoneNews.com. Today, he leads the team building Console, Inc. - a new kind of Androidâ„¢ device. He still likes to pontificate... a lot. You can visit his personal blog at ChristopherPrice.net.

Google - +ChristopherPrice | Twitter - @chrisprice | LinkedIn

Questions for Chris? You can also reach him by email, but please use the PhoneNews.com contact form for general comments, questions, and feedback.

7 responses to “We Need Writers”

  1. Yeah, it’s that urgent… | PhoneNews.com Blog

    […] the subtle change, we’ve switched from “We’re Hiring Writers” to “We Need Writers” on our infrequent nags for […]

  2. Ronald Hicks


    I am an active in my blog and like following technology news, especially display technology involving OLEDs and their emergence in the cell phone industry.

  3. Abraham Timi

    I am a very creative, intelligent and experienced writer. I will like to write for you. Thanks.

  4. Jill

    do you still need writers?

  5. Jaime Booth

    Hello. I am an experienced columnist and editor. I am currently available to take freelance writing projects and I am very interested in your available projects. Please contact me with the details of your available positions or if you would like further information, a resume and/or writing samples. Thank you.

    Jaime Booth